Web Development with Python & Django

With a forecasted higher job growth, web development is one of the fastest-growing fields in the IT industry. The Web Development with Python and Django course from Proximsoft will teach you how to build robust, dynamic websites.

Web Development with Python & Django

Our course at Proximsoft is made to assist you in taking advantage of this rapidly expanding market by teaching you the skills required to create dynamic and effective websites. Experienced industry professionals have carefully designed this extensive curriculum to give you the abilities needed to compete in the cutthroat field of web development.

This course takes you on an engaging interactive journey starting with the principles of web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The next step will be installing the latest version of Python and creating simple commands using the interpreter. You will discover different data types, understand dynamic typing, and be able to declare variables as you go.

These are the fundamental ideas needed for any programming language, and our course will ensure you understand them all. 

You’ll begin by learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, essential tools for any web developer. These foundational languages will enable you to create and style the structure of web pages, making them visually appealing and interactive.

Web Development with Python & Django with proximsoft

Next, we dive into Python, one of the most popular and beginner-friendly programming languages. You’ll learn how to install the latest version of Python and launch the Python interpreter to write basic commands. This module covers defining variables, understanding dynamic typing, and exploring different data types. Mastering these basics will set a strong foundation for your programming journey.

Following this, we explore functions in Python. You’ll learn to define and call functions, work with default and keyword arguments, and understand lambda functions. This section also covers positional and keyword argument packing and unpacking, which will help you write flexible and efficient code.

The course then moves on to selection and looping statements. You’ll become adept at using if and if-elif-else branching statements to control the flow of your programs. Looping techniques using while and for loops are also covered, along with Python’s unique comprehensions for creating lists, sets, and dictionaries.

We then introduce you to object-oriented programming (OOP), a crucial paradigm for building scalable and maintainable applications. You’ll learn about classes, objects, inheritance, and abstract classes. Additionally, you’ll explore the init function, object and class attributes, and methods, all essential for creating robust and reusable code.

Modules and packages are next on the agenda. You’ll learn to create and import modules, use aliases, and organize your code with packages. This section also covers Python’s built-in modules, providing you with tools to streamline your development process.

Exception handling is another critical topic covered in our course. You’ll learn to manage exceptions using try-except blocks, create custom exceptions, and use the finally block to ensure your code runs smoothly under various conditions.

We then delve into collections, which are vital for storing and manipulating data. You’ll explore lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries, learning various operations and when to use each type. Converting between data structures using built-in functions will also be covered.

The course transitions into Django, a powerful web framework that complements Python. You’ll start with installation and setting up a Django project, including creating virtual environments for better dependency management.

Understanding the structure of a Django project and using the admin command to create new projects are key skills you’ll acquire.

Routing is a critical aspect of web development, and you’ll learn to define URLs, create dynamic URLs, and map them to view functions. This section also covers linking app URLs to the root project using the include function.

Templates in Django allow for dynamic HTML content creation. You’ll learn to store templates and static assets, use conditionals and loops within templates, and build master layouts for code reuse. Rendering templates with context data using the render function is also covered.

The model layer of Django, powered by its Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), simplifies database interactions. You’ll connect your project to a database, define models, and perform operations such as saving, updating, deleting, and querying data.

Understanding model relationships and writing raw SQL queries will enhance your data management skills.

The Django admin interface is a powerful tool for managing application data. You’ll create superusers, register models, and customize the admin interface using ModelAdmin, StackedInline, and TabularInline. This customization allows for a tailored backend experience.

Session management in Django is essential for maintaining user state. You’ll explore session management, including storing and retrieving session data, and effectively managing sessions. Forms are another critical component, and you’ll learn to render forms as HTML, validate them, and handle file uploads.

Web Development with Python & Django

Django’s built-in authentication, messaging, and emailing apps are also covered. You’ll learn about internationalization and important security practices such as cross-site request forgery protection and cryptographic signing.

Finally, the course introduces REST web services with the Django REST framework. You’ll learn about web services, REST principles, and JSON data exchange. This will enable you to build scalable and maintainable APIs, a crucial skill in modern web development.

Join Proximsoft’s Web Development with Python & Django course today and embark on your journey to becoming a skilled web developer. With expert guidance and a practical approach, you’ll gain the knowledge and experience needed to build impressive web applications and excel in your career.


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